Creative online writing

How do you write compelling stories worth sharing? And what makes the difference between a nice piece and a great blog article? The entire writing process is examined in the Creative online writing training.
You learn which texts and headlines work and what this requires of form, content and style.
You will find out how you convince your reader, what the role of illustrations is, how annoying but useful deletion can be and how important SEO really is.
You will go home with a good dose of inspiration to write great blog articles yourself!


• You can efficiently prepare, write and structure a blog article.
• You know the criteria of a good blog article and the importance of “audience first”.
• You know SEO serves and doesn’t lead, and why.
• You know which texts work and what this requires of form, content and style.
• You can come up with striking headlines and leads.
• You know the most important textual tactics to influence behavior.


In the Creative online writing training, you will work with expert Cor Hospes and learn to write stories that are worth sharing. • Characteristics of a blog article.
• A good & a great blog article: the difference.
• Distinguish between article, opinion piece, and blog article.
• The importance of preparation: collecting information, research, choosing a (approach) topic.
• The interview: a crash course.
• Writing: the magic first sentence, SEO & headlines.
• Convince your reader with Cialdini.
• “Kill your darlings”: how do you scrape?
• Photos and illustrations.
• Get started yourself!

For whom

The training is intended for anyone who is responsible for directing or writing web texts. Think of copywriters, marketing and communication staff, PR staff, web editors, and content managers.



This is a one-day training. Are you following this training in the virtual classroom? Then the program is divided into 2 half-days.
Virtual classroom

€ 590,- (excl VAT)