Community conversation & activation

Strengthen the growth and interaction of your community

As an (online) community manager you often run into challenges. How do you recruit new members on a structural basis?

How do you activate these, but also existing users? And what should you do in difficult discussions, and with notorious complainers and “trolls” demanding all the attention?

During the Community conversation & activation training you will work on an activity and content calendar. You will take a critical look at your existing approach and make it effective where necessary.

You also learn how to optimally connect and activate members.


You have a well-founded and structured community calendar

You can recruit members to your community in the right way and in the right places

You know how to initiate conversations and activate members, both online and offline

You can create good community content and know when to use what to achieve optimal results

You have tools to increase the value of your community for your organization


During the Community Conversation and Activation training, the following topics are covered:

Community strategy in a nutshell: is the positioning correct?

Community activation and content calendar

The community lifecycle and organic growth

Examples of online conversation guidance

Testing your own phase and pitfalls

Recruiting potential new members

Managing the core group

Dealing with feedback, complaints and resistance

Evaluate your approach

For whom

The training is intended for anyone who is (partially) responsible for activating and guiding an online community.

Think of: community managers, communication advisers, marketers, web editors and webcare specialists.

The training has been developed for those who have already set up a community strategy and is directly linked to the two-day Community management training.

1 March 18, 2021, 9:30 am – 4:30 pm


This is a one-day training. Are you following this training in the virtual classroom? Then the program is divided over 2 half-days.

Virtual classroom

In company

Follow the Community Conversation & Activation training together with your team or colleagues on a date and location of your choice!

The program is adapted to your personal wishes or even completely customized.

Recognition & accreditation

Digital certificate of participation

6 SMP or SCP points


€690,- (excl VAT)